
Real-time assistance with guests needs

All hotel services available promptly on guests smart phones or tablets.

Just by scanning QR Code, guests can access hotel directory, restaurant menu, safety procedures and contact front line staff via WhatsApp or messenger.

Security for guests, staff, suppliers and other visitors

Hotel directory, restaurant menus, real-time feedback using contactless technology, reducing the risk of contamination by handling hard copies.

Ease for your customer

Have your main information available on your client’s smart phone screen, easy and quickly.

Time and cost savings for hotels

Guests are able to order menu items and check out directly by mobile phone or tablets.

How does it work?


1 - Create your account

With the plan that best suits your needs.

2 - Enter your information

Room directory, menus, digital concierge and more

3 - Customize your profile

Use company’s logo and colours

4 - Provides the QR Code

In a place of easy access for your client.


1 - Read the QR Code

Use phone or tablet camera to scan QR code

2 - Access information

Loaded into the system, as a menu, directory and concierge

3 - Place orders

With just a few taps on the phone, quickly and safely.

4 - Request Check-out

With option to process payment.


Easy to use for you and your clients.


Changes made fast, managing products, information and services always up to date.


Clients access all information directly from smart phone or tablet without having to install apps.

We have an offer for you!

We offer a free version to use, see how you can make your customer service entirely available online.

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